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Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Love Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is not as difficult as it used to when my little boy was only about two or three years old. It used to be hard to keep him seated in the cart, so my shopping time took twice longer than it should be. Now that he's four he listens better and stay in the cart for most times. But when my local grocery started the use of individual barcode scanner, it became even better. In my opinion the barcode scanner is the greatest invention of all, lol. I involve my son in the grocery shopping by letting him scan all the items I get, so that keeps him still in the cart. I involve him too in weighing produce by letting him push the button in the digital weighing scale. It's also educational because he can recall his numbers as I dictate to him the numbers to input. I enjoy grocery shopping even more now, there's no idle moment for me and my little one.

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