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Friday, April 24, 2009

The Good Old Days

Do you still remember the pretend games that you played when you were little? I remember playing house then, and my favorite place in the house was always the kitchen. I have this cheap plastic plates and utensils set that I played with my sister all the time. We pretended to cook and serve food using leaves and flowers from my mom's plants. I remember getting in trouble when we picked my mom's favorite flowers in the pots that she would rather display. Sometimes the setting of our pretend play was a restaurant. My sister would be the cook and I was behind the cash drawer. It was really fun. Nowadays, I seldom see children doing pretend plays anymore. They are usually engaged in computer games on their own and not much interaction with other kids. I just miss the good old days ;-).


  1. Oh yeah, we used to pretend a lot and actually had quite a variety of pretend games which included:
    Alley (pretending our bikes were motorcycles)
    Army (not in war time though, in peace time)
    Wagon Train
    We had a lot of fun!

  2. I miss those days too. I would go through the garbage getting cans and jars to "stock my kitchen shelves." I pretended I was cooking and feeding my doll. Now kids are into sports, dancing, cheering and computer games all by the time they are 4. My grandkids are no exception. I really feel the kids of today are missing out. We didn't have these activities in our lives at such early ages and look how well we turned out.

  3. I have a 10 year old son and I sometimes have to drag him outside so he could play tag with his friends.We've set a limit to how much he can watch TV and play computer games.This helped him a lot to interact with children his age.
